Dynamic Wireless performs FIFO (Fly-In-Fly-Out) wireless services for remote mining sites and communities. Having performed such services for mine sites across Australia, South America and Asia, our Principal Consultant is able to fly in at short notice to perform one of the many wireless services for his clients.
The Case for Wireless in Mining
Communications combined with rugged mobile computing in the field, greatly increases productivity and safety while reducing a mines maintenance costs and downtime. Mining operations can benefit from a range of applications using wireless network technology, including:
Wireless Mesh Coverage for Autonomous Haulage Systems (AHS)
Quick and Scalable Outdoor Mesh Coverage for In-field Network Access
PTP and PTM Wireless Bridge Links Between Buildings or for capacity injection into the wireless mesh network
Miner Tracking
Equipment Tracking
Dispatch Operations
Fleet Management
Vehicle Information Management Systems (VIMS)
Equipment Health Monitoring
Video Surveillance Monitoring
Operator Communications
Worker Accommodation
Our Principal Consultant has extensive experience designing wireless communication solutions for remote mine sites across Australia, and provides a range of wireless services suitable for this type of environment, including:
Indoor donga/field hut wireless coverage design - using Ekahau Survey Pro software, coupled with Ekahau's Sidekick dual-radio with spectrum analyser.
Outdoor Ekahau Sidekick GPS-calibrated wireless surveying of existing wireless mesh coverage - using Google Earth or client supplied high-resolution aerial photos.
Remotely operated autonomous vehicle survey and troubleshooting - using our all-in-one Rugged Autonomous Survey Tool - a rapidly deployable drag-n-drop IP68 survey solution, 8+ hour battery powered survey time with 356 Kg of vertical mag-mount force for attaching to trucks & loaders, for 100% remotely operated outdoor wireless surveying & troubleshooting!
Outdoor wireless mesh coverage design (using fixed and mobile trailer) - including defining the bill of materials for hardware.
Outdoor wireless mesh propagation prediction modelling - using DXF/SHP digital terrain models or other vector file type, generating 90%+ accurate RF prediction maps overlaid in Google Earth.
Point-to-point and point-to-multipoint wireless bridge link design and path profile calculations using digital terrain model data.
Up to 8-metre tripod mounted access point pre-implementation wireless surveys - for highly accurate coverage result measurement.
Extensive underground pre-implementation and post-deployment wireless surveying, and wireless LAN controller (WLC) optimisation.
Spectrum analysis of 900 MHz, 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequencies - ensuring equipment is configured to optimal interference-free channels.
Wireless LAN controller (WLC) and access point optimisation.
4G/LTE outdoor drive testing - to measure quality-of-experience (QoE) metrics such as RSRP, RSRQ and throughput, and plot them on a Google Earth map.

Our Mining Experience Includes:
Onsite outdoor wireless mesh GPS-Calibrated Ekahau surveying and troubleshooting for coal mine sites in Central Queensland and Western Australia.
Onsite wireless mesh troubleshooting, GPS Ekahau surveying and wireless mesh optimisation for gold mine sites in Central Western Australia, New South Wales and Queensland.
Onsite underground wireless design, surveying and troubleshooting at mine sites in New South Wales and South Australia - including wireless coverag for autonomous loaders and Mobilaris capable trucks.
Wireless mesh design and RF propagation prediction modelling for 6 large mine sites across Australia.
Wireless mesh design and RF propagation prediction modelling for more than 8 mine sites located in Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Indonesia, Mexico, Namibia, New Caledonia and Turkey.
Multiple onsite underground mine site wireless coverage surveying and designs, Australia.
Get in touch with us to obtain more information about our wireless consulting services for the mining sector.
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