Dynamic Wireless's Principal Consultant is able to leverage from his extensive outdoor wireless mesh site surveying, design, configuration, optimisation and troubleshooting experience, having worked on various municipal city-wide, smart grid, mine site, airport, University, hotel resorts and parkland wireless mesh networks. His foundation in wireless mesh experience derives from working in 2007 on what was then then world's largest, multi-application wireless mesh Smart Grid networks in the Middle East.
Some of the outdoor wireless mesh projects we've undertaken include:
Outdoor Wireless Mesh GPS-Calibrated wireless site survey for Coal Mine Sites in Central Queensland.
Outdoor Wireless Mesh Troubleshooting, GPS wireless site survey, and wireless mesh optimisation for remote mine village sites in Central Western Australia.
Outdoor Wireless Mesh Propagation Prediction coverage designs for mine sites in Canada, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Indonesia, Mexico, Namibia, New Caledonia and Turkey.
Outdoor Wireless Mesh Design for five mine sites across Australia.
Outdoor Wireless Mesh Outdoor Guest Coverage Surveying and Optimization for Island Resorts.
Outdoor Wireless Mesh Design and Consulting for Domestic and International Airports.
Technical Review of Smart City Outdoor Wireless Mesh Tenders for the Australian Government.
Independent Outdoor Wireless Mesh Review Testing for a Vietnam telecommunications carrier.
Dynamic Wireless Provides Two Distinct Onsite Outdoor Wireless Surveys:

In order to accurately determine a clients existing outdoor wireless coverage, Dynamic Wireless utilises Ekahau survey software with sidekick, along with an external GPS and Google Earth or imported high-resolution aerial maps; to perform outdoor GPS-calibrated wireless site surveys. Depending on the size of the terrain, we either traverse on foot, or perform a drive-test with vehicle mounted roof antennas and GPS. We use a hand-held quad-antenna GPS, to ensure a higher number of satellites are visible at the bottom of deep pits, thus ensuring more accurate survey results.
The results of such surveys are accurate signal strength, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), noise and data rate coverage maps overlaid in Google Earth, along with plotted wireless access points and additional information embedded in Google Earth such as IP addressing scheme, serial numbers etc. Such results allow us to determine coverage holes and poorly located APs, in order to make on-the-ground recommendations with regards to optimal AP placement, re-deployment and installation of new APs.

In order to definitively determine a clients existing wireless mesh coverage, Dynamic Wireless utilises Ekahau survey software along with a hand-held GPS and Google Earth or imported high-resolution aerial maps; to perform an outdoor GPS-calibrated Ekahau site survey. Depending on the size of the terrain, we either walk on foot, or perform a drive-test with vehicle mounted roof antennas and GPS.
The results of such a survey yield accurate signal strength, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), noise and data rate coverage maps overlaid in Google Earth, along with plotted wireless mesh nodes and additional information embedded in Google Earth such as IP addressing scheme, serial numbers etc. Such results allow us to determine coverage holes and poorly located mesh nodes, in order to make on-the-ground recommendations with regards to optimal mesh node placement, re-deployment and installation of new nodes.

Dynamic Wireless has a proven history at multiple underground mines, of using an LV roof-mounted Ekahau Sidekick housed within an IP68 rugged mag-mount enclosure, in order to perform wireless coverage surveys underground.
We have designed, surveyed, troubleshooted and optimised WiFi coverage for underground drives, for such applications as:
Autonomous Loader Solutions - Having strict wireless latency requirements.
Mobilaris Mining Intelligence - State-of the art real-time 3D Situational Awareness that based on people/asset tracking.
Vehicle Maintenance Information - CANBUS metrics, tonnes dumped etc.
Shift Supervisor Tablet Access
Besides physically surveying coverage using an LV, we are also able to perform remote surveys using our custom built all-in-one rugged autonomous survey tool allows us to remotely perform Ekahau wireless coverage surveys, spectrum analysis and packet capture for in-depth troubleshooting.
The results of such surveys are accurate signal strength, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), noise and data rate coverage maps overlaid on your drive layout map, along with plotted wireless access points. Such results allow us to determine coverage holes and poorly located APs, in order to make on-the-ground recommendations with regards to optimal AP placement, antenna selection, AP re-deployment, and installation of additional APs.