Wireless Network Solutions For Business Needs
Dynamic Wireless's Strategic Wireless Consulting Services caters to your company's complete business and technical life-cycle for your wireless network solution, via our expert level of wireless expertise. Our strategic level of wireless consulting focuses specifically on the business outcomes you aim to achieve from your wireless network, and encompasses the Plan-Design-Deploy-Operate phases.
Our Principal Consultant's first-hand experience in the wireless networking domain extends more than 16 years, across 20 countries in Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa; including wireless solutions for airports and rail, construction, corporate enterprise, education, farming and agriculture, government, hospital and healthcare, hotel and resort, industrial and manufacturing, inter-modal logistics, mining and energy, retail and hospitality, and warehousing.
With our extensive industry experience and knowledge, we are able to customise our service for a wide variety of clients. For example, enterprise clients typically look for wireless solutions to reduce operating costs, and improve operating service levels, whereas manufacturing/industrial clients may seek to overcome specific challenges with deploying rugged wireless hardware in a harsh environment, with a specific outcome to improve the logistics/tracking of goods.
By engaging our strategic wireless consulting services, we eliminate the complexity of deciding what wireless solutions and technologies to deploy, by matching your business requirements to technical requirements, to produce an outcome favourable for your business operations.

1. Lifecycle Services
Market Research
Requirements Definition
Network Architecture Planning
Wireless Technology Review
Wireless Solution Definition
Proposal Support
Vendor Evaluation
Preliminary Network Design
RF Coverage Design
Core Network Infrastructure Design
Configuration Design
Network Deployment Planning
Resource Planning
Process Definition
Network Deployment Management
Vendor Management
Managed Services Planning
Best Practice Operations
Warranty and Maintenance Planning

2. Technology Solution Services
With extensive experience in the field of indoor and outdoor wireless technology solutions, Dynamic Wireless is able to advise on the following wireless network technologies:
Ekahau Wireless Coverage Surveying for all types of vendor wireless equipment.
Cisco Unified Wireless Networks - Indoor and Outdoor Mesh, Voice over Wireless LAN, CMX/Real-Time Location Tracking (RTLS), Wireless Intrusion Prevention (wIPS), Prime Infrastructure and more.
Outdoor Bridge Link Solutions (900 MHz, 2.4 and 5.8 GHz)
Cellular Wi-Fi/4G Coverage Solutions

3. Pre-Sales Services
Having worked for a U.S wireless hardware vendor in a pre-sales role, our strategic consulting staff have first-hand experience with designing and creating content for pre-sales marketing documents, product datasheets and custom product/training presentations. Having also worked in government and private industries, our staff also understand how to customise your pre-sales marketing campaign for different market environments, including enterprise, education, hospitality, mining and healthcare to name just a few.
Our in-depth knowledge in planning, designing and implementing wireless networks across all these markets, ensures we have on-the-ground experience in order to accurately adapt your marketing documents to your target audience.

4. Tender Services
Having worked in end-user, systems integrator and hardware vendor roles, our Strategic Wireless Consultant understands the tender process end-to-end, having written, evaluated and responded to tenders/RFQs. Whether you're creating a tender document, need helping reviewing tender responses from an independent objective source, or require assistance replying to a tender for a wireless solution, we can help you achieve your goal, and advise you on the many subtleties and best practices when it comes to winning wireless tenders.
Dynamic Wireless has performed Smart City consulting for different government municipalities with regards to various Smart City technologies, including:
Outdoor wireless mesh networking
Intelligent street light systems
Advanced meter reading (AMR) systems
IP camera systems